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Tekken 8 yoshimitsu and Top 10 Other Fighters

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Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu is Best? Tekken 8 features a diverse cast of fighters, some easy to pick up and others requiring dedication to master. Here’s an overview of 10 standout characters and what makes each one tricky to learn:

Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu and Reina All time Best

When starting Tekken 8, players should choose a main character that fits their playstyle. Some fighters rely on basic punching and kicking. Others need timing and strategy to counter opponents.

Here is a comparison between Yoshimitsu and Reina in Tekken 8:

Fighting StyleUnorthodox ninja utilizing stances and sword attacksTraditional Mishima style with wavedashing and stances
DifficultyVery hard – requires memorizing many stances and flowchartsHard – demands execution of Mishima techniques
StrengthsUnpredictable moveset, teleports, armored attacks, long reachDevastating wavedash combos, powerful stances, well-rounded
WeaknessesSteep learning curve, lacks traditional tools, low damage without meterRelies heavily on execution, limited low attacks
Key MovesManji Dragonfly Stance, Flea Stance, spins, walls jumpsElectric Wind God Fist, Sentai Stance, Heaven’s Wrath
PlaystyleSet play, keep-away, then rushdown when openings existBait whiffs then launch big combos, pressure with mix-ups
Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu vs Tekken 8 Reina

Some characters are easy to learn. But mastering tricky fighters takes practice. These complex characters have unique moves and combos. Learning them takes time in training mode.

Dedicated players will study their move lists. They’ll memorize special inputs and combos. Mastering a technical fighter feels rewarding. But it requires commitment to train.

In Tekken 8, easy and hard characters exist. New players can pick simpler fighters to start. Experts can choose complex characters to master. Whichever you pick, know their moves before facing opponents. Practice makes perfect when learning a tricky fighter.

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Top 10 Best Tekken 8 Fighters

Tekken 8 Bryan Fury

Tekken 8 Bryan Fury

A cyborg known for punishing aggression. Bryan shines when played defensively, waiting for the right moment to counter-attack with devastating strikes. Mastering him requires practicing reading opponents and timing counter-hits precisely. His taunt mechanics also allow huge damage combos.

Tekken 8 Steve Fox

tekken 8 steve

A slick boxer with no kicks, using ducks and weaves instead. Steve takes finesse to play as a counter-puncher or overwhelming rushdown. Without traditional kicks, players must know his unique combo strings and capitalize on counter hits. Dedication lets one master either style.

Tekken 8 Raven

Tekken 8 Raven

A deceptive ninja mixing old and new stances. Raven uses stances like Back-Turn and Soul Zone for surprise attacks. Learning elaborate combo strings from these stances is key. His clone abilities demand mastery to pressure enemies. A tricky but rewarding character.

Tekken 8 Marshall Law

Tekken 8 Marshall Law

Law lives in his Dragon Sign Stance, necessitating mastery to access key moves. He also relies on close-range pressure with mix-ups and tricky slide kicks. Learning to consistently unleash these sticky attacks epitomizes Law’s in-your-face style.

Tekken 8 Lee Chaolan

Tekken 8 Lee Chaolan

A combo master with demanding execution. Lee’s damaging combos require just-frame timing to input perfectly. Success triggers Lee announcing “Excellent!” or “Perfect!” Mastering spacing and baiting whiffs sets up those satisfying counter combos.

Tekken 8 Nina Williams

Tekken 8 Nina Williams

A deadly assassin using evasive side-stepping. Nina weaves in and out of enemy ranges, circumventing their defenses. True mastery means utilizing her side-step combos intuitively to run circles around foes.

Tekken 8 Reina Mishima

Tekken 8 Nina Williams

The latest Mishima adoptee with a wave-dash foundation. Reina needs consistent wavedashing to unleash the Electric Wind God Fist. Her stances like Sentai and Heaven’s Wrath take dedication to master but expand her moveset.

Tekken 8 Kazuya Mishima

Tekken 8 Kazuya Mishima

The epitome of Mishima style. Kazuya’s mastery revolves around executing wave-dashes and the Perfect Electric Wind God Fist perfectly. He also transforms into Devil Kazuya, requiring knowledge of two movesets.

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Tekken 8 Ling Xiaoyu

Tekken 8 Ling Xiaoyu

A stance expert dodging attacks with tricky evasion. Xiaoyu’s Phoenix Stance uniquely dodges even mid attacks. She dances around the rules, demanding players know her stances and flowcharts thoroughly to capitalize.

Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu

Tekken 8 Yoshimitsu

– A wildly unpredictable trickster. Yoshimitsu utilizes bizarre stances and mechanics that seem to defy logic. To master this eccentric ninja requires meticulously studying frame data and practicing elaborate combo strings. Total dedication reveals his true potential.

Final Thoughts

In summary, Tekken 8’s roster runs the gamut from straightforward to incredibly technical. While some fighters utilize simple punch and kick techniques, others like those above feature unique playstyles and mechanics that compel extensive hours of practice to fully master. Dedicated players willing to put in the lab time will be rewarded with satisfaction and viability when playing these intricate characters at a high level.

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