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Is Tekken 8 Crossplay Between PC, Xbox And PlayStation?

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Can we play cross-platform matches between PC, Xbox, And PlayStation?

Tekken 8 is stepping into the ring with a heavy-hitting new feature – crossplay support across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. This opens up a new world of matchmaking mayhem, letting you trade blows with a wider pool of fighters. But is crossplay right for you? Let’s break down everything you need to know.

Can you Crossplay with PC?

First up, what exactly is crossplay? It simply means players on different platforms can play together. In the past, Xbox and PlayStation users were walled off from each other. PC players were in their own corner too. But modern games are tearing down those barriers, letting gamers on any system join forces or face off.

Does Tekken 8 Have Crossplay?

Is Tekken 8 Crossplay setting

For Tekken fans, this is big news. Speaking about Tekken 8 crossplay in April 2023, legendary game director Katsuhiro Harada said, “Crossplay? Of course, I will.” He explained that political issues between Sony and Microsoft blocked past attempts at crossplay. But with Tekken 8, Harada reassured fans that crossplay would be included.

That means when you first boot up Tekken 8, you’ll be immediately asked if you want crossplay enabled. The default option is turning it on, which lets you matchmake against the widest range of opponents. If you’re looking for the hottest online action, you’ll want crossplay for sure.

However, some players may want to disable crossplay. Why’s that? Well, for starters, concerns over cheating and hacking. Some feel that opening crossplay to PC leaves consoles vulnerable to players using mods and exploits. Of course, Tekken 8 will have anti-cheat systems, but risks remain.

Is Tekken 8 Performance Equals On All Platforms?

Performance issues are another potential reason to skip crossplay. You’re battling a PC player on Xbox One with a beastly RTX 4090 GPU. Their game could run and respond much faster, giving them an edge. Similarly, PlayStation 5 players may not want to deal with last-gen slowdown from Xbox One or PS4 opponents.

Thankfully, once you make your initial crossplay choice, you can flip-flop whenever you want. Just head into the options menu, go to gameplay settings, and toggle crossplay on or off. So you can easily scope out how matchmaking feels both ways.

Is Tekken 8 all fighters

At the end of the day, Tekken is all about reading your opponent and counter-attacking. So test out crossplay and see which setup feels best for your playstyle. With a thriving scene across multiple platforms, having the flexibility to brawl on your terms is key.

For newcomers, crossplay provides a ton of value. Fighting games have notoriously steep learning curves, so any way to expand the player pool is welcomed. Veterans may be more wary of potential balance issues, but can adapt their tactics accordingly.

No matter your skill level, Tekken 8 crossplay represents a huge opportunity. Finding exciting matchups instantly is now a reality. And regular updates from Bandai Namco will keep polishing the crossplay experience.

Katsuhiro Harada and team understand that fighting games live and die by their communities. Keeping online play smooth, fair and hype is essential. Tekken 8’s crossplay support shows their commitment to raising the bar.


So get ready to break down boundaries and tap into the full power of Tekken 8’s roster. With crossplay, you’ll have an army of adversaries to test your might. Does Yoshimitsu’s unpredictability triumph over Jack-8’s raw strength? Can Xiaoyu’s AOP dodge counter Zafina’s devious mixups? Load up training mode, practice those combos, and let the crossplay clashes begin!

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