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Top 8 Games Like WOW: World Of Warcraft

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That is why it has great similarities with WoW in such aspects as questing, dungeon crawling, raiding and PvP contents while also having its own twists and features. It depends on what you like about WoW.

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV)

Best choice! It’s a fantastic MMORPG that’s quite similar to World of Warcraft but gives you an iconic Final Fantasy experience.

Here’s what FFXIV is all about:

Narrative-Driven: As an MMORPG, FFXIV functions with a deep storyline at its core. The main story quests are the backbone of your character who is well-executing and voicing.

Various Classes: A wide range of playable classes can be found in FFXIV including the traditional. MMO roles like tanks healers DPSes and unusual options as the Gunbreaker or Dancer.

Immersive Combat: FFXIV’s combat system is action-orient focusing on combinations and abilities spam. It provides rewarding difficulty especially in end game raids and trials.

Visibly Dazzling: The game’s graphics and art design are absolutely stunning, with beautifully-realized environments, character models, and effects.

Strong Endgame: Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) has a profound and developed endgame that comes with challenging raids, trials and dungeons that require coordination and skill of players.

Expansion without Gaps: Over the years the game has had several expansions each adding new regions classes. Well as storylines which can be seamlessly fit in the already existing content.

In conclusion FFXIV is an excellent deep story-driven MMORPG choice for gamers who share most of World of Warcraft’s basic mechanics but have Final Fantasy themed setting in their minds thus making it unique and immersive.

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Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

Another great MMORPG is Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), which shares many similarities with World of Warcraft but offers an exclusive open-world experience based on the iconic Elder Scrolls universe.

Here is what ESO offers in more detail:

Huge Open World: ESO comes with a massive seamless open world to explore filled with various environments and landscapes drawn from previous games set in The Elder Scroll series.

Factions plus Storylines: Its main quest is split into faction-specific storylines where players can opt to see things through different eyes.

Flexible Class System: This flexible class system in ESO allows players to modify their characters by choosing types of abilities and skills.

Action-Oriented Combat: In contrast to typical tab-targeting MMORPGs combat in ESO is action-oriente and emphasizes on positioning timing and resource management.

Engaging Quests: The quests in ESO are well-written and often have branching paths as well as choices that can affect the outcome, thus providing a sense of agency for the player.

Extensive Customization: From appearances to skill progression, there are several ways through which players can customize their characters to personalize them considerably.

Challenging Group Content: Players must have coordination and skill to defeat dungeons, trials (raids), and player-versus-player (PvP) modes since they emphasize group play.

ESO shares some core MMORPG mechanics with World of Warcraft such as questing leveling up and group content. But is also a unique open-world experience deeply steep into the rich lore and universe of Elder Scrolls. For those who enjoy exploring the world and focusing on its stories like many games in the Elder Scrolls series do then ESO may be an excellent substitute for WoW.

Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is one of the best games for you to play if you need an MMORPG that has some things in common with World of Warcraft but also offers something unique and innovative within the genre.

Here’s a closer look at what Guild Wars 2 has to offer:

Dynamic Events: Standing out amongst others, Guild Wars 2 replaces traditional quest hubs with Dynamic Events. These events are organic and take place all over the world; hence, players can seamlessly participate or alter their outcome.

No-Trinity Combat: Instead of holy trinity (tank, healer and DPS) combat, GW2 prefers a more cooperative combat system where players have to work together differently.

Diverse Gameplay: The game provides different types of gaming modes from regular PvE & PvP to massive Player vs Player vs Environment (PvP/PvE) WvW battles.

Horizontal Progression: Unlike most MMORPGs which focus on vertical progression, GW2 focuses on horizontal progression that allows players develop various builds and playstyles rather than just grinding harder hitting gear.

Stunning Visuals: An amazing art direction along with visual design distinguishes this game having a unique vibrant fantasy aesthetic.

Living World: In Guild Wars 2 Living World updates that introduce new story content maps and gameplay features are add on a regular basis keeping the world fresh and evolving.

Nevertheless, Guild Wars 2 shares some basic MMORPG mechanics with World of Warcraft such as combat, progression and group content but takes a completely differing approach that emphasizes exploration, cooperation as well as dynamic events rather than following the traditional quest-driven experience. This makes it an excellent choice for players looking for a more innovative and engaging MMORPG alternative to WoW.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)

Another great MMO game is Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) which is similar in some ways to World of Warcraft but offers players a unique Star Wars themed experience.

This is why SWTOR can be considered as good option instead of WoW:

Story-Driven Gameplay: One of the greatest characteristic traits of SWTOR is its focus on storytelling and narrative. Each class has its own unique storyline complete with fully voice-acted cutscenes as well as dialogue choices that can impact the narrative.

Immersive Star Wars Universe: SWTOR is set in the Old Republic era of the Star Wars universe meaning that players can venture into familiar locations. Meet famous characters or engage themselves with well known factions within this beloved sci-fi franchise.

The Game has Different Class Choices: The game offers many different classes that are playable, and each of them is having their own unique power and style of play as Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunters or smugglers.

Beautiful Fighting System: The combat system in SWTOR is action-oriented and involves combinations and abilities executed in real-time. This makes it a fantastic experience to engage in the game’s group content which can be so satisfyingly challenging.

Strong PVE and PvP: between flashpoints (dungeons), raids, and player vs player (pvp) areas there is enough endgame content for everyone. This means that players will need to coordinate with one another to succeed at these difficult challenges.

Expansions And Updates: SWTOR has had numerous expansions ever since its release several years back; these have introduced new storylines, locations and gameplay mechanics into the game.

However, unlike any other MMORPGs out there today the World of Warcraft plays on Star Wars topics through its peculiar narrative style and character development emphasis. Therefore SWTOR becomes an alternative MMORPG for those players who are fans of the Star Wars universe and like a strong story-driven experience but not necessarily want to play WoW.


Another MMORPG that borrows some fundamentals from World of Warcraft but still comes up with its own uniqueness features.

A Close Look at What RIFT has to Offer:

Dynamic Events: One of the most notable features of RIFT is its dynamic event system where enormous world-shaking occurrences can occur organically throughout the globe. Players are often encourage to join forces in order to fend off their realms from invaders.

Soul System: The soul system is the core of character customization in RIFT, which enables players to combine different sets of abilities and styles and create unique character builds.

Calling System: In addition to traditional classes, a calling system exists which further defines roles such as tank healer or damage dealer for a character.

Extensive Endgame: With tough raids, dungeons and player versus player (PvP) content that needs coordination and skill from players Rift has a rich end game experience.

Diverse Environments: The game world in Rift is expansive and varied with different landscapes and environments like forests deserts etc that players can explore.

Frequent Updates: Over time there have been regular updates as well as add-ons. That have been made on Rift thus keeping it fresh and constantly evolving.

RIFT is similar to World of Warcraft in many ways such as questing, dungeon crawling and raiding, however the former features a unique dynamic event system that distinguishes it from the traditional MMORPG formula. Also RIFT’s game play puts much emphasis on player cooperation and has flexible character customization options that make it an attractive alternative for those willing to experiment with something new in the genre.

The Lord of the Rings Online

For those who want an MMORPG experience deeply rooted in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) would be a great choice.

Here is what LOTRO delivers:

Immersive Middle-earth Setting: In LOTRO players can venture into a faithful re-creation of Middle-earth featuring stunning detail and iconic locations such as the Shire Rivendell and Moria.

Narrative-Driven Quests: This MMORPG’s overarching story line follows The Lord of the Rings events where players assume their own unique character interacting with famous characters from books and films.

Diverse Classes and Races: Starting from classic fantasy archetypes such as Elves or Dwarves up to more extraordinary options there are abundant choices for players in terms of playable races or classes like the Beorings.

Exploration and Crafting: In addition to the main story quests, LOTRO also encourages players to explore the game world and engage in various crafting and profession systems which can be just as rewarding as combat.

Engaging Group Content: The game has a range of group content including instances, raids, and player-versus-player (PvP) battles which require coordination and strategy.

Expansions and Updates: The ongoing nature of LOTRO development means that it has received many expansions over the years each adding new regions, storylines, and gameplay features to the already vast world of Middle-earth.

World of Warcraft shares many basic MMORPG mechanics with LOTRO like questing, leveling up through experience points, group content but it is different from other games by its narration based on Tolkien’s work. For those who love Tolkien’s work and are searching for a more plot-based MMORPG alternative to WoW then this game is great.

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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Although Dragon Age Inquisition is one of the best single-player RPGs set in the Dragon Age universe. It isn’t an MMORPG like World of Warcraft. It was developed by BioWare as a story driven party based open world action RPG. But does not possess traditional MMORPG characteristics such as being persistent or having multiplayer parts.

Some key differences between Dragon Age Inquisition and World of Warcraft:

Single-Player vs. Multiplayer: Dragon Age Inquisition is a single-player experience while World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online game where players interact with each other in a shared persistent world.

PvP vs PvE: Destiny 2 is entirely a player-versus-environment (PvE) game, as opposed to World of Warcraft which endorses both PvP and PvE game play types.

First-Person Shooter vs MMORPG: When it comes to genre Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter while World of Warcraft is an MMORPG.

Sci-Fi vs Fantasy: Unlike WoW’s fantasy setting Destiny 2 takes place in a science fiction universe.

Class-Based vs. Non-Class Based: In Destiny 2 there are three main classes for players to choose from Titan Hunter or Warlock. Whereas for World of Warcraft there isn’t any specific class require for playing the game. The two games share similarities in that they are set in rich fantasy worlds and have deep role-playing mechanics. Dragon Age Inquisition would be more appropriately describe as a single-player story driven Action-RPG rather than the traditional MMORPG. For gamers who desire an experience focused on storytelling within a fantasy realm. Inquisition can be an excellent choice but it does not have persistent multiplayer features like WoW.


Destiny is not one of these like World of Warcraft but instead shares some MMO like aspects with cooperative shooter games.

Some Key Differences Between Destiny And WoW.

Gameplay Focus: Destiny 2 primarily belongs to the first-person shooter genre, and it pays attention to action filled combat that is fast. On the other hand, World of Warcraft is a traditional fantasy MMORPG which has more emphasis on quests, exploration as well as party-based combat.

World Structure: Although worlds in Destiny 2 are share amongst players with organic encounters between them the world does not feel truly persistent or open-ended like Azeroth in World of Warcraft.

Progression: Though both games have character progression and gear acquisition systems in place. Destiny 2’s progression focuses more on improving weapons abilities and gear than level based progression that exists in World of Warcraft.

Multiplayer: The cooperative and competitive multiplayer aspect is given greater priority by destiny 2 with its activities like strikes raids PvP modes. On the other hand, World of Warcraft has a variety of group contents like questing dungeons and so on.

Narrative: In comparison with the more open-ended approach found in WoW where quests drive storytelling launching off from one quest to another giving players an option to travel from one place to another at will.

So while Destiny 2 and World of Warcraft both offer shared-world, cooperative gameplay experiences. Destiny 2 is more akin to a cooperative, online action-RPG shooter rather than a traditional fantasy MMORPG like World of Warcraft. The gameplay progression and narrative focus are quite different between the two games.

Comparison Table

Here’s a comparison table for the games mentioned earlier, including their release date, platforms, and developers:

GameRelease DatePlatformsDeveloper
Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV)August 2013PC, PS4, PS5Square Enix
Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)April 2014PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X/SBethesda Game Studios
Guild Wars 2August 2012PCArenaNet
Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)December 2011PCBioWare
RIFTMarch 2011PCTrion Worlds
The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)April 2007PCTurbine
Dragon Age: InquisitionNovember 2014PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox OneBioWare
Destiny 2September 2017PC, PS4, Xbox One, StadiaBungie

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