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Borderlands 4 Release Date Reveal Soon

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Borderlands fans need to mark their calendars. Likely timeframes for a Borderlands 4 reveal are coming up.

Will there be a Borderlands 4?

Fans have waited for a new Borderlands game reveal. Borderlands 3 was released in 2019. It expanded the universe greatly. Players explored planets beyond Pandora.

Borderlands 4 could be a regular entry. Or it could be something new. Gearbox experimented with Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands recently. Story reasons exist for an MMO.

Nothing concrete exists about Borderlands 4 yet. But Gearbox’s recent activity suggests an imminent full reveal – potentially in weeks.

Borderlands 3 set a high bar. Its depth and gameplay were excellent. Borderlands 4 may try to surpass expectations. Gearbox learned from BL3 and Wonderlands. The bigger universe provides opportunities for new settings, characters, and villains. All could get revealed very soon, per Gearbox’s social posts.

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Why Borderlands 4 Reveal Come Very Soon

Borderlands 4 Could Reveal on February 27

Borderlands 4’s release date is likely 2025-2027. But fans may see it by February 27. Starting February 6, Gearbox shared “The Story So Far” Borderlands videos weekly. This likely continue until covering Borderlands 3.

Between Borderlands 2 and 3 recaps, Gearbox may cover The Pre-Sequel and Tales. If the next video recaps Borderlands 3’s story, a Borderlands 4 reveal seems likely the following week – February 27. If recapping The Pre-Sequel or Tales first, the reveal could shift to March 5 or 12. This recurring pattern suggests it’s time for the next entry, five years after BL3.

How Story Recaps Hint at the Upcoming Reveal

February 27, March 12 – Borderlands Days?

Gearbox may skip recapping Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, a spin-off. But skipping The Pre-Sequel may mean dropping the long-awaited Watcher’s War story thread only touched in Borderlands 3 DLC. If The Pre-Sequel gets a recap, The Watcher and The Seer from it may get their due in BL4.

Either way, three likely Borderlands 4 reveal dates exist:

Tuesday, February 27 Tuesday, March 5
Tuesday, March 12

It makes little sense for Gearbox to build hype with recaps and not follow through with an announcement, especially after the BL4 leaks went unaddressed. A reveal is unlikely at this point.

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When will Borderlands 4 be revealed?

Likely reveal dates are February 27, March 5, or March 12 based on Gearbox’s weekly story recap pattern.

Will it be a regular Borderlands game or something new?

It could go either way – a traditional entry or an experiment like an MMO.

Why those specific dates?

Gearbox is recapping past games’ stories weekly, likely leading up to a Borderlands 4 announcement after covering Borderlands 3.

What hints are there about the game’s content?

Not much concrete yet, but the expanded universe allows for new settings, characters, and villains to be explored.

When might Borderlands 4 be released?

Probably be 2025-2027 based on the timeframe since Borderlands 3.

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