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150+ Dragonborn Name Suggestions for your Epic Character

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Introduction of Dragonborn Names

In fantasy worlds full of magic and adventure, one of the most iconic races is the Dragonborn. Dragonborn stand out with their draconic ancestry, breath weapons, and mighty tails. Their fierce warrior culture and commanding presence make them ideal for fearsome fighters and noble heroes.

An important part of bringing a Dragonborn character to life is choosing the perfect Dragonborn name. Their names often reflect attributes like strength, courage, and nobility. The right Dragonborn name can immediately convey the essence of a character. With the rising popularity of Dragonborn in games like Dungeons & Dragons and video games like Skyrim, having creative and meaningful Dragonborn names is more vital than ever.

When picking or creating a Dragonborn name, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Meaning – Dragonborn names often have meanings that connect to draconic concepts like fire, wings, claws, etc. Names with symbolic meaning help define a dragonborn’s inner nature.
  • Sounding – The names should sound powerful and command respect when spoken aloud. Hard consonants like ‘k’ or ‘z’ work well.
  • Uniqueness – Avoid using overused names. Create new names or put unique spins on existing ones.
  • Personality – Match the name to the Dragonborn’s personality and background. Fierce warriors need bold names, while more mystical figures need mystical names.

By carefully crafting the perfect Dragonborn name, you can immediately convey essential aspects of your character. A great name engages readers’ imaginations and makes a Dragonborn character truly unforgettable.

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Dragonborn Names with Meaning

Here are 20 compelling Dragonborn names along with their meanings:

  1. Zallax – “Destroyer”
  2. Pyrthon – “Fire serpent”
  3. Kazaad – “Dragon spirit”
  4. Maxzir – “Bold claw”
  5. Krymzir – “Strong wings”
  6. Jhazir – “Cunning fangs”
  7. Ferozon – “Braveheart”
  8. Valstrath – “Mighty in battle”
  9. Krarist – “Sharp scales”
  10. Naarkraxus – “Deadly talon”
  11. Tharizdun – “Destroyer of hope”
  12. Gronthag – “Thunder tail”
  13. Blutzar – “Blood claw”
  14. Cryodaxus – “Ice talon”
  15. Mezzirsaar – “Steel wings”
  16. Rauthux – “Crimson Fury”
  17. Xiros – “Proud”
  18. Axtram – “Bold axe”
  19. Pyrexia – “Fevered fire”
  20. Quazarix – “Conqueror of skies”

These evocative names with associated meanings capture the strength, pride, and heritage of dragonborn kind. Many connect directly to draconic imagery and power. When given to characters, these names immediately set the tone and hint at hidden depths.

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DnD Dragonborn Names

For names with a more mysterious or exotic flair, here are 20 Dragonborn names without defined meanings:

  1. Arjhan
  2. Barakas
  3. Cardanix
  4. Draxonus
  5. Ezphix
  6. Gharzad
  7. Jhanzar
  8. Krytus
  9. Mezzorath
  10. Navarax
  11. Ophixus
  12. Pyrachus
  13. Quarvaux
  14. Rukzar
  15. Sevixus
  16. Trazkad
  17. Urhix
  18. Vorkoron
  19. Wryphax
  20. Xorvoxus

With their harsh consonants and “xus” “zar” and “xon” sounds, these names project an aura of untamed power and ancient menace. They give maximum creative freedom to construct backgrounds and personalities that defy expectations. Strange names can hint at secrets or extensive travels and experiences beyond most dragonborn’s roots.

Dragonborn Names from “Skyrim”

For Dragonborn deeply connected to the world of Skyrim, here are 20 names drawn from figures and lore in the popular video game:

  1. Ahkrin
  2. Dagrir
  3. Feldrin
  4. Grondrag
  5. Haknir
  6. Irixion
  7. Jorgrek
  8. Krilot
  9. Lodunost
  10. Muldron
  11. Nafni
  12. Oglar
  13. Pruzah
  14. Reldith
  15. Sahgol
  16. Tonald
  17. Urzob
  18. Valdrig
  19. Wuthraad
  20. Yigma

These names will resonate deeply with fans of the Elder Scrolls series. Many are drawn from iconic phrases in the dragon language, like “Pruzah” meaning “good”. Others belong to established clans and families within the lore. These names paint a vivid connection to the world of Skyrim.

Dragonborn female male

Female Dragonborn Names

Female dragonborns deserve names that capture feminine grace and ferocity. Here are 20 female Dragonborn names:

  1. Anixara
  2. Brexiza
  3. Charlize
  4. Dijazira
  5. Eshiza
  6. Feroxa
  7. Ghariza
  8. Izalith
  9. Jhaza
  10. Kyriza
  11. Liraxi
  12. Mezzasha
  13. Nariko
  14. Pyria
  15. Quazzara
  16. Rhixia
  17. Sevizza
  18. Tazira
  19. Urkiza
  20. Vixiza

Names ending in “a” or “ia” give a feminine sound, while harsher sounds like “zir” and “xar” add draconic flair. The wide range allows names to fit seamlessly into any tribe or clan.

Male Dragonborn names

Male Dragonborn Names

Male Dragonborn deserves equally imposing and dramatic names:

  1. Arlhax
  2. Barakax
  3. Cardanix
  4. Draxonix
  5. Ezhir
  6. Gharzad
  7. Jhanzar
  8. Krathos
  9. Mezzorath
  10. Navrax
  11. Ophixus
  12. Pyrakh
  13. Quarzon
  14. Rukzar
  15. Sevixus
  16. Trazkarn
  17. Urhidor
  18. Vorkarn
  19. Wrynox
  20. Xorvixus

The repetition of “x”, “r”, and “z” evokes an aura of untamed masculinity, while names like Mezzorath and Pyrakh integrate dragonborn imagery and values. As a set, these names project strength, pride, and a noble lineage.

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Famous Dragonborn Clan Names

For Dragonborn rooted in famous clans, here are 20 impactful clan names:

  1. Clan Agronak – The Arena Champion clan, known for combat prowess.
  2. Clan Bormah – The “Father” clan devoted to the dragon god Akatosh.
  3. Clan Dagriid – A noble clan ruling an icy kingdom in the far north.
  4. Clan Dovrekiin – The clan of dragon slayers and heroes.
  5. Clan Grondar – An ancient clan known for wisdom and magic.
  6. Clan Huzrah – A clan of master smiths and armorers.
  7. Clan Jorgrek – Sailors and pirates who rule the western islands.
  8. Clan Kinsman – A peaceful clan focused on agriculture and community.
  9. Clan Mirmulnir – An imperial clan advising human kings and jarls.
  10. Clan Naaslaarum – Mercenary dragonborn who works as sell-swords.
  11. Clan Odahviing – A warlike clan dominating the harsh eastern mountains.
  12. Clan Pyria – Devoted priests and crusaders for the dragon gods.
  13. Clan Qiovaas – Bardic and artistic dragonborn celebrating history and culture.
  14. Clan Ruz Kriid – Glory-seeking warriors who value honor and battle.
  15. Clan Strunmah – Storm sorcerers harnessing the fury of lightning and rain.
  16. Clan Teyfolnir – Ancestral shamans speaking with ancient dragon spirits.
  17. Clan Uxith – Cryptic assassins silently eliminate the clan’s enemies.
  18. Clan Vahlok – Revered dragonborn kings and queens of the elder days.
  19. Clan Wuth Gein – Underground-dwelling dragonborn mastering subterranean realms.
  20. Clan Xivkyn – Necromancers and dark shamans trafficking in death magic.

Belonging to a distinguished clan allows for instantly conveying generations of ancestry and reputation. These names integrate dragon language and Elder Scrolls lore to suggest extensive backgrounds.

20 Dragonborn Names

For entirely original names, here are 20 unique Dragonborn names to spark ideas:

  1. Ankrux
  2. Baravox
  3. Callanus
  4. Drathal
  5. Erzid
  6. Ghavor
  7. Kragdor
  8. Mezzaled
  9. Navarius
  10. Ozirath
  11. Pyradi
  12. Quentarius
  13. Riizk
  14. Skarith
  15. Telvix
  16. Uruzad
  17. Vorkallak
  18. Wraxxon
  19. Xandyrus
  20. Zantarikus

With their mix of hard consonants, double letters, and “x”, “z”, and “k” sounds, these names project a formidable presence. The unusual structure and rhythm give them an exotic quality while still retaining a sense of draconic ancestry. They invite creative freedom in shaping backgrounds and personalities.

How to Pick a Dragonborn Name

When selecting or creating dragonborn names, keep these tips in mind:

  • Draw inspiration from dragon and fantasy lore
  • Focus on hard, commanding consonants like “k”, “x”, “z”
  • Incorporate dragon-themed word roots like pyre, drake, fang, claw
  • Make names 1-3 syllables to be bold yet pronounceable
  • Endings like “-ix”, “-drix”, and “-zir” add exotic flair
  • Fit names to characters’ clans, backgrounds, and values
  • Include draconic imagery and elemental powers
  • Balance simplicity with exotic names to project mystique
  • Sound out names to ensure they project strength and nobility

With these strategies, you can craft distinctive and compelling dragonborn names. Names are deeply tied to identity and destiny, so choose them as carefully as you would name a dragon hatchling destined for greatness.

What is the Name of the Dragonborn in The Elder Scrolls?

In the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim video game, the player’s character is known as the Last Dragonborn, Dovahkiin, or Dragonborn for short. Unlike most dragonborns in the setting’s lore who are members of the draconic race, the player’s Dragonborn is human.

As the protagonist, the Dragonborn has no default or official name beyond their draconic title. Players can choose any name they wish during character creation. Popular names chosen by players include:

  • Ysmir – Meaning “Dragon of the North”
  • Silgor – Meaning “Strong Spear”
  • Valdur – Meaning “Ruler”
  • Aela – Meaning “Huntress”
  • Freyr – Meaning “Lord”
  • Mjoll – Meaning “Lightning”

These meaningful names reflect the Nordic culture and complement the Dragonborn’s heroic destiny. But ultimately the Dragonborn’s identity is shaped by the player, including their name. The freedom allows players to define their character’s story.


Dragonborn names distill elements of mythic power, ferocity, and arcane energy into singular, commanding identities. Their names project strength of both body and spirit, capturing imaginations with their evocative draconic associations.

Whether you are playing a Dragonborn character or writing one into a fantasy story, choose their name carefully to immediately convey essential aspects of their nature. Their name shapes both how NPCs and audiences perceive them on the first meeting. By brainstorming ideas and refining choices, you can find the perfect name to empower your Dragonborn creations.

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